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Media | Speaking | Education

Our mission is to educate folks on coercive groups so we take away their power to hurt people.


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Media, Education  & Speaking

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Support for Survivors

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Support for Therapists

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Media & Speaking Engagements

If you have have a media appearance, teaching opportunity or speaking engagement you'd like our support with, please fill out the form below.

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Support for Survivors

Join our monthly membership for religious trauma and cult abuse survivors.  Take the guesswork out of your recovery with a curated course that walks you through each important part of taking your life back.

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Training for Therapists

No need to feel completely lost with treating religious trauma or spiritual abuse with your clients.  I will walk you through how I address these important issues with clients with trauma-informed approaches to recovery. 

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Take our free cult quiz to see if your group was a cult.

It's free, quick, and you get immediate results. 

Take The Cult Quiz

Need us to teach a class?

Here's some ideas of what we can teach to support your staff, clinicians, or group. 

Religious Trauma

Want to learn the ins and outs of religious trauma? Perhaps you have a clinical staff that wants to learn how to treat RT as well.  We have a group masterclass to help support your group.  Taught by Dr. Quincee virtually or live. 



Cult Dynamics

Want to learn more about how cults work? Want to learn about indoctrination, coercive control, attachment wounds, and more within cult groups? Our masterclass can help your therapists/staff learn how to spot cult groups within their clinical cases.  Taught by Dr. Quincee virtually or live. 

Nervous System Regulation

If you want to learn practical and realistic skills in regulating your nervous system, then we have a masterclass that can be taught to a group in a powerful way.  Great for business owners, wellness entrepreneurs, and others. Taught by Dr. Quincee virtually or live. 


Inoculation Against Emotional Manipulation

Do you want to learn how to protect yourself against emotional manipulation and coercive control? We teach you or your group the skills for protecting themselves and rebuilding communities after abuse.  Taught by Dr. Quincee virtually or live.

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